The Pacific Institute
– a global water think tank that studies the Salton Sea.
California Dept. Of Water Resources
– supports water management at the Sea.
US Fish & Wildlife
- manages and protects the Sonny Bono National Wildlife Refuge at the Salton Sea.
California Audubon Society
– educational programs and information about birds at the Salton Sea.
California Natural Resources Agency
– protecting state resources by implementing policy for restoration efforts under the Salton Sea Management Program.
USGS Salton Sea Science Office
– independent liaison and scientific resource for decision makers engaged in restoration planning at the Salton Sea.
Salton Sea Task Force
– action team appointed by former Governor Brown to identify realistic short & medium goals to respond to environmental threats at the Sea.
Salton Sea Authority
– a coalition of stakeholders developing plans for restoration at the Sea.
The Ecomedia Compass
- non-profit organization with a mission to “Save Our Sea”.
Salton Sea Community Outreach Education & Engagement (COEE)
– community based coalition designed to educate and engage residents about the current state of the Sea.
California Dept. Fish & Wildlife
– studies and manages restoration efforts at the Sea, including the recent Salton Sea Species Conservation Habitat (SCH) Project.
The Desert Sun
– most comprehensive news source for the Salton Sea.
Imperial Irrigation District
- the largest land and water rights stakeholder at the Sea.
US Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region
– manages water deliveries of the Colorado River for Arizona, Nevada, Mexico, and California.
USC Study May 2019
– Highlights the environmental threat at the Sea and increasing potential risks to the health of children in the region.